Your blog post is really well laid-out, with headers and formatting that chunk and highlight your ideas, making them very easy to understand. I enjoyed the way you have used a variety of media to underscore what you’re saying and add more information – very engaging! I appreciated the emphasis you have put on accessibility, which is a key way in which our education systems are striving to improve.
In your discussion of Distributed Education, my interest was piqued by your observation that Distributed Education can “improve the diversity of educational contexts,” by “account(ing) for multiple perspectives.” It is true that having people from very different geographical locations can enrich discussions as they learn together. The differences in culture and personal experience that students can bring really add to opportunities for understanding a topic. I imagine the tricky part is ensuring these discussions remain respectful when differences in viewpoints are vast.
Overall, I found your blog post informative and comprehensive. I appreciated the additional references and video for further investigation. I can feel your enthusiasm for the learning that is to come in this course. I look forward to learning alongside you!
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