Professionally, I am a secondary school Math (and, technically, Science) teacher. Having moved to “The Island” from the Lower Mainland a couple of summers ago, I find myself working in part-time contracts, and thought that the time I have spent not working could be put to good use in upgrading my teaching skills. I hope that I will learn a great deal in EDCI 335: Learning Design in Technology-Mediated Environments.

My interest in using technology for learning comes from a few different experiences. I spent a decade as a co-owner of a video production company, where I picked up skills related to the use of website, graphic design, and, of course, video production software. I also supported my children in Distributed Learning and Online Learning programs throughout much of their K-12 education. We found some learning environments to be easier to navigate and learn from than others. When I returned to classroom teaching a few years ago, I found that online resources and applications were being widely used in schools. At the same time, the classroom is still very different from online spaces and other digitally delivered programming. I look forward to digging deeper into the ideas and practices around course and environment designs for effective learning.

Personally, I am a quiet person. I am mom to two young adults and share life with my wonderfully creative and joyful partner. In my free time, I love to ballroom dance, go on hikes, or cuddle up with a good book.